It’s hard to choose a few songs to call the best when you’re talking about an artist like Alison Wonderland. But this list is a short sample of the songs that have been the most beloved by her fans and are a great introduction to her work.


Starting with “Run” is a great choice. This song has the incredible thumping dance beats that Alison Wonderland is known for with a hypnotic sound that just gets into your head. And if you listen to the lyrics, it tells a story of someone who feels abandoned when they needed help the most and what they can do about those feelings.


And speaking of hard emotions, “Forever” is an excellent song as well. This song has a slower and more methodical beat that still has that trance influence to the beat. And the lyrics speak to anyone who has lost someone who matters to them. It’s a mournful melancholy piece that still captures the hope we need to move on.


Finally, be sure to give “Loner” a listen. This song starts off with Alison Wonderland’s excellent voice work as well as a chill beat that doesn’t let up. It’s a song that’s built for anyone who’s felt like a loner or who’s missing someone a lot.